Food For Thought

Some of us may or may not be struggling with tiredness and clarity throughout the afternoon.  Although fruit contains many nutrients and antioxidants, it also has our favorite friend, Sugar in it.  Heather R. has been following paleo for many months now, but has taken fruit out of her daily diet with a positive response.

“If you think about how kids react when they get candy they are bouncing off the walls for a few hours then they crash, then you give them a cookie and they are crazy again then they crash. It’s kinda like that with natural sugar- you eat a banana (or multiple bananas) and you’re on this “sugar high” for a few hours and then you crash, and maybe you have a paleo treat and then you’re up again and a few hours later you crash (and by crash I mean your emotions or energy level)- but if you take the sugar out- you’re at one level all the time!”

About hcfchallenge

The Paleo diet is simple yet remarkably effective for fat loss and halting or preventing a number of degenerative diseases. To reap the benefits of the most effective nutritional strategy known, one need simply build meals from the following: * Lean proteins (ideally) grass fed meat, free range fowl and wild caught fish * Seasonal fruits and vegetables * Healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil Our 6 week challenge will help you ease your way into the Paleo Diet. Regardless of your fitness or health goals, you WILL look, feel and perform your best on the Paleo diet. For most people the fact the Paleo diet delivers the best results is enough. Improved blood lipids, weight loss and reduced pain from autoimmunity is proof enough. Many people however are not satisfied with blindly following any recommendations, be they nutrition or exercise related. Some folks like to know WHY they are doing something. Fortunately, the Paleo diet has stood not only the test of time, but also the rigors of scientific scrutiny. View all posts by hcfchallenge

One response to “Food For Thought

  • susan

    I completely agree! Three weeks ago when someone suggested I give up fruit too…I couldn’t believe my ears. But I tried it and it has helped me so much by eliminating sugar cravings and it seems like I don’t get hungry so often. My sugar crashes often felt like hunger to me.

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